Star Wars Characters Names

The second games playable characters also include atton rand bao dur mical mira hanharr brianna kreia visas marr and g0 t0. Some of these characters have additional and alternate plotlines in the non canonical star wars legends continuity the characters found in that body.

George lucas named the characters in the original star wars trilogy by steering away from science fictional words and instead trying to create ones that sounded indigenous and had a sense of some kind of culture.

Star wars characters names. Shu mai attack of the clones. Sweitt concorkill revenge of the sith. Darth vaders name actually has its roots in dutch meaning dark father.

Id think the title of this is pretty self explanatory. Dud bolt the phantom menace. The top ten finn.

50 best star wars characters of all time oola. Respect oola one of the very rare roles for a woman of color in the original trilogy. Star wars is one of the most popular film franchises so far including seven films including the original trilogy the prequel trilogy and star wars.

Unfortunately comicvine does not have pages on all of the characters on my list namely atton rand canderous ordomandalore the preserver hk 47. Similarly to star trek it has s. Almost unmentioned in the original trilogy luke and leias mom.

Elan sleazebaggano attack of the clones. This list of characters from the star wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official star wars canon. Sio bibble the phantom menace.

Along with his friends princess leia and han solo luke battled the evil empire discovered the truth of his parentage and ended the tyranny of the sith. Characters that appear in the star wars franchise. Hes just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

This category is not to be inserted on character pages relating to star tours the sequel trilogy the anthology series star wars rebels star wars. The list is divided between humans and humanoids and droids. Loatha sommover the last jedi.

How the star wars characters got their names. Ello asty the force awakens. Top 100 star wars characters and honorable mentions in alphabetical order.

Forces of destiny star wars resistance and the mandalorian. King katuunko the clone wars. Luke skywalker was a tatooine farmboy who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the greatest jedi the galaxy has ever known.

I probably should have done something like this sooner but ah well.

Star Wars Characters Names. There are any Star Wars Characters Names in here.
